Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to stop Hair lose Naturally?

"Life isn't perfect but your hair can be"

Hair is one of the true beauty assets of men and women. But now a days hair fall has become very common. Hair loss happens because of many different reasons, but not all of them are related to aging. There are a variety of ways you can prevent excessive hair loss without resorting expensive hair products. We will suggest you some homemade remedies for your hair fall problem.

However, see your doctor if you don’t know the cause of your hair loss or have any additional symptoms. Moreover, consult with your nutritionist before using types of hair oil.

Using Topical treatments at home:

Massaging essential oils into your scalp helps to improve your circulation. It promotes the healthy circulation in your scalp and promote blood flow to your follicles. Gently massage your head by hand for couple of minutes. To enhance the massage, use a few drops of mustard oil.

During treatment we face a lot of issues due to which we can’t get the proper effectiveness of the treatment.  For more relaxing treatments, warm up the mustard in a microwave for 15-30 seconds before applying.

Use an Egg yolk Hair treatment for healthy hair and scalp:

Think that egg yolk can prevent hair loss. It may also be used to help stop graying of hair, treat dandruff and moisturizing your hair. Massage egg yolk in the scalp and leave it for 30 mints. Then use sulfate free shampoo for rinsing. Use shampoo once a day as repetition removes the hair natural oil making your hair dry and brittle.

For better result, Egg yolk is used only once in a week for couple of weeks, however you need to use it less frequently if have protein sensitive hair.

Restore hair moisture through hot oil treatment:

When applied directly to the hair hot oil can moisturizes and stimulate growth, you can use any natural oil like mustard oil. Heat the oil until its mildly warm.

Massage the oil gently into your scalp. When the times up, shampoo up the oil. You can also use mayonnaise as a conditioner for smoothing your hair.

Rub Heena mixed in Mustard oil into your hair to strengthen them:

This is a green powder that seals the hair cuticle which strengthens the hair shaft at the root. Heena is considered safe on the skin and hair for most people but some have reaction to it too, so if you are sensitive to it, stop using it and simply use only mustard oil.

Make a thick paste of heena in water and apply on your hair along with some brush. Leave it on your hair for two hours. Rinse off heena completely by tap water and shampoo your hair off.  

Try a fenugreek (Meethi) seed treatment for strong and shiny hair:

Some studies show that fenugreek supplements may help prevent hair loss. Use fenugreek seeds added into the mustard oil and shaken properly. Apply directly to hair is also beneficial. This kind of treatment provide natural shine and strength to hair if used regularly. It may also help to keep the hair intact.

How to use fenugreek seed with Mustard Oil:

To make a fenugreek hair mask, soak and grind one cup (170g) of fenugreek (Pakistani Meethi seeds) with sufficient mustard oil to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to your scalp and massage it lightly. Leave it for about half an hour. Wash the paste with cool water and can use conditioner as well.


Use of Mustard oil is best for get rid of excessive hair loss. Mustard oil is beneficial both alone and when used in combination. Warm the oil little bit before applying for better results. Massage your hair in circular motion for good circulation and nourishing of scalp.


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